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Vincent Moran took the Best Actor Award, while Compántas Lir also won the Best Costumes and Best Set Awards at the All-Ireland Drama Finals in Ballyduff, Waterford last week. Their production of An Ideal Husband by Oscar Wilde came in 4th place overall and the group were also nominated for awards with Liz Hession nominated for Best Actress and Maura Kavanagh for Best Supporting Actress.

Vincent Moran of Lakeview played Viscount Goring and the award is long overdue to one of the group’s most outstanding actors. The costumes and set were exquisite with the set built by Regis Goulding, John Whelan, Malachy Noone and John Brennan. The costumes were splendidly created by Mary Duggan and Ann Moran.

Founded in 1983, the group have been regular participants in the All-Ireland Confined Finals. They are looking into the possibility of further staging of their award winning production.