The Annual Fashion Show was a great success and many thanks to all of you who turned out on such a bad night. Renovations have now commenced on the Centre and it is hoped that the new floor will be installed early in the new year.
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December 12th 1995 saw the first meeting of the Amenity Group of Claregalway Community Action Group. Here we are, a year later, to report on our achievements. As a result of numerous phone calls, letters and representations to Galway County Council, we managed to get the park at Cregboy, near the Rockwood road, tidied up…. Read more »
On behalf of the Community Alert Group I would like to express the horror, shock and sympathy we have all felt with the cowardly attack on Mr. Duggan. We have said that we were lucky that we have had so little crime in the area, but what has happened reflects on what is happening throughout… Read more »
David Cribbin from Cahergowan, will be ordained to the priesthood in Claregalway Church on Saturday, January 4th. Almost twenty years ago, in 1977, three local priests, Dr. Des Forde (Chaplain Galway R.T.C.), Fr. Martin Glynn (U.S.) and Fr. Martin O’Connell (Africa) celebrated their first masses in Claregalway, but David’s will be the first ever ordination… Read more »
Congratulations to Bernie and Joe Faherty on the birth of their baby boy, Cian, in October. Welcome to the Monaghan Family who have taken up residence in Cahergowan. Best wishes to Julie and Tom McKenna who have taken over management of the Abbey/Summerfield Bar. On behalf of the community, we wish them the very best… Read more »
Alzheimer Society Western Region The Society has sent their most grateful thanks for the receipt of £310.50 raised at the Tea Day in Lakeview and at the Bingo session the same evening at Turloughmore. They go on to say: “National Tea Day is a vital source of funding to the Society and is the only… Read more »
Plans are presently being drawn up by the new committee for improvements to the Centre. It is hoped that renovations will commence immediately after the Fashion Show on 21st November 1996 and will consist primarily of the meeting room areas with proposals for a new floor for the main hall being considered for a later… Read more »
The new Claregalway Medical Centre has just opened. The Surgery Hours will remain 3–4.30 until January 1997. The Telephone Number is 798301. In the next month a questionnaire will be given to patients seeking their opinion as to what surgery hours would best suit the needs of the Community. From January 1997 it is hoped… Read more »
Congratulations to Michelle Walsh and Kieran Finn on their marriage which took place on 21st September 1996. Congratulations also to Norann Flaherty and Michael Keane who celebrated their wedding on 5th October, 1996. Welcome home to Norann’s two sisters, Marguerite and Dolores who travelled home from the States to join in the celebrations. Also best… Read more »
I am pleased to announce the opening of First Steps Montessori School. There are still a few places available. For those working parents, I also provide after school care as required. For your enquiries please call Yvonne Halpin, Mont. Dip. Ed., 798808.
Claregalway and Carnmore Community Alert Scheme was launched last April. The aim of the scheme is to improve the quality of life for everyone, to keep our area free of serious crime, vandalism and attacks on the elderly and to ensure that friendliness and neighbourly co-operation is maintained and fostered in our area. The main… Read more »
The Claregalway Leisure Centre EGM was held on Wednesday 2nd October. New Committee Officers were elected as follows: Tony Clarke as Chairman, Mary Reidy as Secretary and Hubert Newell as Treasurer with the outgoing officers to assist for a period of time. Tony Clarke thanked the outgling committee for all their hard work and efforts… Read more »