The 2019 Claregalway Agricultural Show will be held on June 9th this year in Duffy’s Equestrian Centre.
All 2019 Schedule, Entry and Trade Stand Forms are now available!
The change of date from August to June proved very successful last year and we are delighted that this year’s show will take place on Sunday 9th June. As always it will take place in Duffys Equestrian Centre, Rockwood, Claregalway. Duffy’s is an excellent venue for the show and much appreciation is extended to the Duffy family for facilitating us every year. The launch of the 29th Show schedule took place in the Arches Hotel, Claregalway recently and the Show Queen 2019 was crowned.
Show Chairman, Val Noone, introduced this year’s Show Queen, Ms. Caoimhe Keenan and thanked her for taking on the role of Show Queen. Caoimhe is the daughter of Mary & Michael Keenan from Caherlea, Claregalway. She looked absolutely beautiful on the night wearing a lovely lace dress. She was presented with flowers from the show committee together with a sash and tiara. Tom Dempsey, accompanied by his wife Amanda (Tom Dempsey Flooring, Oranmore) were also at the launch. For a long number of years Tom has sponsored the Show Queen and this year was no different. He presented Caoimhe with an engraved crystal vase and congratulated her on becoming Show Queen 2019. The committee is indebted to Tom Dempsey Flooring Oranmore for their continued financial support to the show year in year out. Also present on the night was outgoing Show Queen Clodagh Ryan. The Chairman thanked her on behalf of the committee and wished her every success in the future. She was presented with a bouquet of flowers by the Vice Chairman Kieran Quinn.
The success of the show depends on the number of exhibits on the day and you are invited to participate in the various classes. Whether you are a member of an organisation, student, spectator or an avid exhibitor at Claregalway Show a warm Céad Míle Fáilte is extended to one and all.
Galway Bay FM will be broadcasting from the show grounds. Wagon Wheel will be playing live all day. Some of the top attractions at this year’s show will include Free Face Painting, Working Sheep Dog Demonstrations, bouncy castles, trade stands and lots more. Classes include horse and pony section, donkey classes, cattle and sheep sections, arts and crafts, home baking and farm produce, dog show, poultry and pet show. School children’s art will all be on display. Check out the schedule for full details. Except for horse/pony entries all other entries are accepted on the day.
Other side shows of interest are the ever popular Bonny Baby, Glamorous Granny & Best Dressed Lady competitions. The Donkey Derby polishes off the day.
For further information Check out our Facebook page or visit us here on our website:
Email us on [email protected]
Ring Show Secretary Carmel Casserly at 087 9180723 for general enquiries.
For information on entries please ring Entries Secretary Bernie Noone at 091 798931