Walking to remember this September
The 16th Galway Memorial Walk in aid of Galway Hospice takes place this September. The annual walk, which honours and celebrates those who are no longer with us, is taking place on Sunday 12th September.
This year, Covid-19 again means we can’t all come together to walk the Salthill Prom so Galway Hospice is asking you to walk somewhere special with family and friends on 12th September.
Galway Hospice has continued to provide care throughout Covid and it needs your support now more than ever. Make it a walk to remember by registering now for the Galway Memorial Walk.
“This walk is so special for us and for people each year. It means we can have a day when we all come together and honour those who have been lost from our lives. Seeing people walking in memory of their family, friends and loved ones and celebrating their lives is always so poignant in Galway on the second Sunday in September. It allows us all to come together as a community to remember and to raise vital funds for other people will need our help throughout the coming year,” said Mary Nash, Chief Executive of Galway Hospice.
“Galway Memorial Walk is something that we love to do every September,” said Jody & Theresa Murphy from Turloughmore. “As a family that has availed of the services the Galway Hospice provide, we know all about the great work and the professional care and support they offer, free of charge to all their patients and their family members.
“We first took part in the walk in 2009. Roy our son accompanied us on that walk. At that time, Roy was availing of the services of Galway Hospice. He was attending Day Care and was also having home visits by the Home Care team of Nurses. Roy passed away in 2010 and since then we as a family always do the Memorial Walk in his memory and also to help raise some badly needed funds for the Hospice.
“Galway Hospice continues to provide many families with support and comfort as well as any medical support that may be needed. Any donations towards the Memorial Walk will greatly help the team at the Galway Hospice to continue to work and achieve the care and support required for all its patients and families.”
Register for the Galway Memorial Walk at www.galwayhospice.ie/walk
Galway Hospice, Renmore Avenue, Renmore, Galway, Ireland Tel: 091 770 868 | Fax: 091 752 064 | www.galwayhospice.ie |