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The Beavers

The Beavers returned fully refreshed after the summer holidays. Sixteen eight-year old Beavers graduated to Cubs and seventeen new Beavers joined the Club, bringing our present total numbers to twenty five. Our ten week term consisted of games, crafts and outings. Also, during the year, our Little Beavers worked hard to achieve their badges, which will be presented at the end of the year.

At Halloween, we had a fancy dress party, with lots of witches and ghosts creeping around the den, playing snap apple, penny dip and other games. The highlight of the term was a visit to Peter Pan World, where Beavers from throughout the district joined in the fun.

Unfortunately, our Christmas outing to the cinema had to be postponed, but we are looking forward to this early in the New Year.

Mary McNulty

Cubs & Scouts

The Cubs/Scouts started back on September 24th. On October 1st, sixteen Beavers came up to Cubs. We had local tracking and compass work.

During the month of November, we ventured off to Renville Park. It was an outing full of fun and excitement. We did tracking, we had nature study and we played some games. We had lunch in the park. The weather was excellent for the event but just as we were about to head home, the clouds opened and down came the rain. However, a good day was had by all.

In December, we had a talent night where all the Cubs had a chance to do their party pieces. We had a Christmas party, with lots of singing and dancing. On December 7th we had our Christmas Outing to the Leisure Dome. There, we played Bowling and went to Laser Quest. A very enjoyable event was rounded off with chips and burgers.