Due to widespread dissatisfaction with the condition in which the roads & footpaths in Claregalway have been left by the County Council a meeting was organised on Feb. 12th with Roddy Killeen, Acting Deputy Co. Engineer and 4 members of the group. The members available to attend were Gerry Cullinane (Chairman), Vincent Lyons (Secretary), Pat Coen (National School Principal) and Tony Gately (Committee Member).
To ensure that commitments made earlier by the County Council are honoured relating to the traffic calming measures in Claregalway. £20,000 was spent installing the surface water drains through the village and a further £70,000 was spent by the council in doing the rest of the work in the village i.e. traffic islands, raising footpaths, road markings and signs etc..
We requested that as a minimum the footpaths should be restored to their original condition prior to the laying of the surface water drains and the Telecom works. Council reply is that they will allocate £10,000 for footpaths and road resurfacing this year. This sum is totally inadequate.
Warning lights at School
The Council have promised that the warning lights will be erected by the end of March ’97.
No commitment has been given in relation to the extension of the 30MPH zone above the school.
Hard shoulder outside school
The location will be examined with a view to having repairs carried out to the rutted surface .
Road Widening of the N18
The Council have given no commitment on widening of the Oranmore road at Lydican/Kiltulla
Traffic Survey
We await the results of the traffic survey carried out in Claregalway which we believe is still incomplete.
The area of the proposed Galway Transportation & Planning Study includes Claregalway village. The outcome of the study is not expected until 1998.
We wish to assure you that we will continue to exert as much pressure as possible on Galway County Council and the elected representatives to deliver on the commitments given.
We ask you also to remind your elected representatives that it is time they delivered on their commitment to Claregalway.
Marian Noonan & Seamus McNulty