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Claregalway Agricultural Show organisers wish to thank most sincerely all those who supported them by buying tickets and attending their 1997 Queen dance. The dance was held in Kynes Central Tavern, Loughgeorge on Saturday, 31st May. There was a large attendance at the dance and music was provided by Harvest Moon.

Ms. Surney Dempsey, Cregboy, was elected Show Queen for 1997. She was presented with the Tom Dempsey Perpetual Trophy, a vase in Aran Crystal and a basket of flowers, by Mr. Tom Dempsey, of Tom Dempsey Carpets and Bedding. The committee extend sincere gratitude to Tom Dempsey Carpets and Bedding, Westside Business Centre for sponsoring the prizes for the Show Queen every year.

The Agricultural Show Chairman, Mr. Paul Fleming, thanked the 1996 Show Queen, Ms. Yvonne Duggan for all she had done for the show and he wished Surney every success for her year as Queen.

This year’s show will take place on Sunday, 24th August, in Duffy’s Equestrian Centre, Rockwood.

Carmel Casserly