The summer break is over so it is back to work in aid of the Foreign Missions. Our Annual display and cake sale will take place on Sunday October 11th after the 11 o’clock mass.
Members meet in the Sacristy on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month, so come along to our meeting or perhaps you can do some work at home. More helping hands are needed to carry out this worthy work. Contact any of the Apostolic members for details.
The Annual Diocesan Display will be held in Scoil Éinne, Salthill on Mission Sunday October 18th.
We are very grateful to all who helped us during the year, to our honorary members who pay £2 a year, to all our workers who did some knitting and sewing during the year, to all of you who contributed generously to our Church Gate Collection in early July. We look forward to your help again on Sunday October 11th.