The Centre has been in constant use during the indoor season, now drawing to a close. Activities sited in the Centre include basketball and badminton, both underage and adult. It is widely used for indoor soccer. It is also the location for the highly successful Annual Claregalway Drama Festival, which unfortunately had to be cancelled this year, due to the foot and mouth crisis. It has played host to several feises and local events, such as the show staged by the speech and drama classes. It is also available for use by the local national school during school hours. All in all, it is a vital part of our growing and dynamic community, and Claregalway would not be the same without it.
It is run and maintained by a committee, currently consisting of twelve members. This committee hope to refurbish the toilet and shower area in the coming year. Two fundraising events have been held recently—a table quiz in Terry Brennan’s Central Tavern in Loughgeorge on the 5th April and a grocery bagging fundraiser in Supervalu in the Eyre Square Shopping Centre, over the weekend of the 21st and 22nd of April. Thanks to Supervalu for letting the Centre avail of this opportunity, and to all who helped organise and run it. A special thanks to those youngsters who gave up their time to bag groceries. There is still a long way to go to fund the necessary refurbishment. There will be other fundraisers in the coming months. The support of all the community is vital if the Centre is to continue to thrive. If you feel you can help in any way, or that you have something to contribute, please contact any member of the committee.
Committee members: Carol Steven (Chairperson), Siobhán Lynskey (Secretary), Ita O’Reilly (Treasurer), Patricia Carton, Tony Clarke, Hugh Farrell, Mary Forde, Maura Harte, Margaret Kearney, Ger Mooney, Hubert Newell, Mary Reidy.