Congratulations to our new T.D. Deputy Noel Grealish. We are all very proud of his achievement and we wish him every success for his future in the Dáil.
Wedding congratulations to the following couples and we wish them all a very happy future together
- 18th May Patrick O’Connell, Cloonbigeen to Tanya Firzgerald, Salthill.
- 25th May Sharon O’Brien and Declan Collins, Carnmore.
- 1st June Deirdre Lenihan, Lakeview and Brian Gaughan, Renmore.
- 2nd June Assumpta Casserly, Lackagh and Declan Walsh, Carnmore.
Belated congratulations and best wishes to Peggy and Michael Spellman, Clogher on the birth of baby Rachel on the 24th March—a little sister for Ciaran.
Happy birthday to Patrick Farrell, Cregboy, on the 24th June.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the teachers in Carnmore National School, but, especially John Reilly. Due to his hard work and organization our school has become a much cleaner, environmentally friendly place for our children. He has taught our children on a daily basis how easy it is to recycle. Through his hard work and dedication, he has educated our children about recycling, and in the process has made a positive change for the future. Our children are tomorrow’s society. Well done for a cleaner tomorrow. Thank you.
—Rosaleen Fox
Thank you to everyone who contributed to the Alzheimers Tea Day. You will be happy to know that we raised €165 which was sent to The Alzheimers Foundation. Thanks again.
—Kathleen Boyle & Rosaleen Fox
Recent Deaths
- Patrick Reddington, Cregboy.
- Eva Moran, Cloon.
- Dominick Duggan, Kiltrogue.
- Maeve Ryan, Lackagh.