Cumann Seandálaíochta agus Staire na Gaillimhe
Galway Archaeological and Historical Society
Harbour Hotel, Dock Road, Galway
Monday, 09 January 2012 @ 7:30PM
“Recent Excavations at Claregalway.”
By Mr. Brian Mac Domhnaill
Lecture duration will be 30mins and will be followed by our AGM
All are welcome to attend.
Brian Mac Domhnaill is Survey Manager for Rubicon Heritage Services Ltd. He graduated from University College Cork in 1997 and spent many years as a field archaeologist before completing an MSc in Palaeoecology at Queens University Belfast in 2002.
The talk will present the preliminary results of an archaeological excavation undertaken at Claregalway, Co. Galway, on behalf of the Office of Public Works (OPW) and Galway County Council. The works were undertaken in advance of flood relief works on the River Clare. Finds included worked bone, glass, ceramic roof and floor tile, pottery, and range of metal and stone artefacts. Brian will outline the excavation process and how ongoing specialist input and scientific dating have contributed to post-excavation analysis and reporting.