Galway County Council intends to introduce an ‘Adopt a Road’ Litter Reduction Programme which will be available to businesses and groups to participate in.
Expressions of interest are now being invited from businesses or groups who wish to take part in this litter reduction programme.
The ‘Adopt a Road’ Litter Reduction Programme will give businesses or groups the opportunity to assist in the effort to reduce litter and its associated problems by arranging for the gathering of litter from agreed road verges. For this work free advertising (in the form of signage) which highlights the business or group’s efforts in the area of litter reduction will be erected on the adopted section of road.
The programme would run as follows:
- A designated stretch of road is allocated to a business or group who wishes to adopt it.
- The business or group then agrees with Galway County Council a litter maintenance programme.
- Agreed advertising would be erected by the Council on the adopted section of road.
- Equipment for the litter picking exercise and collection of the litter will be provided by Galway County Council.
This programme benefits the company or group through the advertising it gains from the signage and by showing its commitment to the environment. The County benefits from regularly maintained road verges.
Full details on this programme are available from the Environment Section Galway County Council 091 476 402.