Claregalway Flood Relief Works to proceed as Department signs off on new environmental impact assessment
Fine Gael TD for Galway West and Mayo South Seán Kyne has today (Tuesday) welcomed confirmation from the Office of Public Works’ Minister, Simon Harris that the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform has signed off on the environmental review for the Claregalway Flood Relief Scheme.
Commented Deputy Kyne: “OPW Minister Simon Harris has confirmed to me today that the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform has completed its consideration of an independent report evaluating the Environmental Impact Statement for the Clare River Flood Relief Scheme.
“The OPW now has clearance to proceed with remaining important works to the Clare River in the Claregalway region which will be the first project to take place under the EU rules.”
“The OPW has already spent €2.5 million of the €7.1 million allocation carrying out works with which it could proceed. These included the construction of a flood eye at Claregalway bridge, the construction of a new bridge at Crusheeny, and the use of two long-reach machines to remove silt from the bends of the channel and upstream on the Clare River.
“Public Expenditure and Reform Minister, Brendan Howlin will now formally publish the decision and will provide information for the public on the process followed to enable the works to proceed.
“The completion of this final step means these important flood relief and prevention works can take place and provide reassurance to the householders, businesses and the wider community.”
Summary of Claregalway River Clare Scheme Works:
The scheme primarily involves:
- Localised road raising at Miontach North and Miontach South
- Construction of a new flood eye at Claregalway Bridge (already completed), with regarding of the existing channel upstream through and downstream of the existing Claregalway Bridge
- Selective Accelerated Channel Maintenance from Lough Corrib to Cregmore Bridge
- Increase the capacity of culverts at various locations on the Kiniska and Islandmore tributaries in conjunction with channel maintenance
- Construction of a New Bridge at Crusheeny (already completed)
- Construction of a pipeline/open channel combination from A) Carnmore and Cashla areas to Islandmore channel and B) from Lakeview area to the Clare River upstream to Claregalway Bridge
- Channel widening from 1.3km upstream of Crusheeny Bridge to immediately downstream of Crusheeny Bridge to form a two-stage channel
- Construction of two embankments, one locally at the Old Nine Arch Bridge to include filling of the gap in wall at Mhainistir Estate and the other 1.3km upstream of Crusheeny Bridge to the Islandmore drain with the installation of a non-return on the outfall of the Islandmore drain