Croí brings its weight loss programme to Lackagh next month. The MyBalance Programme is helping people lose weight by making small changes to their lifestyle and yielding great results in the fight against heart disease and stroke. The programme runs over eight weeks and provides expert guidance on all aspects of healthy living and lifestyle change, including practical advice on weight, cholesterol, diabetes and blood pressure control.
A new course will run in Lackagh Community Centre on Thursday February 4th from 2–3pm.
All participants are afforded a comprehensive lifestyle audit at the outset, end-of-programme and at one year; which includes measurement of blood pressure, diabetes risk score, weight, body mass index, waist circumference, Mediterranean diet adherence score and physical activity levels. Croí Specialist Dietitian, Claire Kerins said “The key to a healthy lifestyle is good nutrition, regular exercise and effective stress management. In this context, our programme addresses issues as varied as the quality and quantity of sleep, your hdydration, fitness levels and food portion control.”
For more information contact Croí on 091 544 310.