Youth Suicide Prevention Ireland
Congratulations to all students and staff who raised €4520 by taking part in a 24 hour fast.
A cheque was presented to YSPI on Monday 19th December. The fast was organised by 5th year student Niamh McCullagh.
Youth Suicide Prevention Ireland works exclusively with young people ages 12 -22 to raise awareness of youth suicide. They work with schools, colleges and youth groups to provide youth suicide prevention services which are all provided under the Four Steps to Help Programme for Schools.
Students Against Suicide is a National Awareness and Solidarity Campaign for 2017. YSPI’s Schools Programme will reach around 24,000 students in schools and colleges across the country this year but don’t receive a cent from the government. They want 2017 to be a year of awareness and solidarity with the families, friends and fellow students of those young people who have died by suicide.
Niamh even managed to get a message of support from Niall Breslin. Maith sibh.

Pictured left to right: Ms E Ryan Deputy Principal, Niamh McCullagh, Gearóid YSPI, Tony Philpott (Chief Executive YSPI), Mr A Mongey Principal.
Pilot Scheme with the Road Safety Authority
L to R Ms G Cooley, Galway Co Council, Liam Noone, Ms A Patten RSA, Saoirse Grainger, Ms P Sloyan Garda, Aaron Ryder, Hannah Toolan, Ms E Ryan Deputy Principal. Photo: J Travers.
Coláiste Bhaile Chláir are taking part in a Pilot Initiative to encourage students to wear high visibility vests to and from school. Galway County Council and The Road Safety Authority representatives launched this initiative in Coláiste Bhaile Chláir on the 20th December. We were joined by Garda Superintendent Mr Noel Kelly Western Regional Traffic Superintendent, Ms P Sloyan Claregalway Garda, Ms Ann Patten from the Road Safety Authority, Ms Geraldine Cooley ASO Galway County Council and Local Councillor Mr Malachy Noone. Many thanks to 1st year group 1Sheridan for their involvement.
High Visibility Vests supplied by the Road Safety Authority are available for all students.
Promoting Awareness, #BeSafeBeSeen (Photo: J Travers)
All Ireland Champions – Annaghdown LGFA
Coláiste Bhaile Chláir were delighted to welcome All Ireland Intermediate Champions Annaghdown to our school on Friday 16th December.
Annaghdown ladies joined an elite number of Galway clubs to capture the All-Ireland Intermediate final at Parnell Park on Sunday 4th December with a two point win over Armagh side Shane O’ Neill’s following in the footsteps of Kilkerrin-Clonberne 1999, St Brendans 2001 and Claregalway three years ago.
The parish was a sea of maroon and white banners and bunting as the final approached and the team were in no doubt of the huge support that was out there and that was again shown on at the official homecoming in the Corrandulla Community Centre when a full house greeted the champions. Our very own Transition year student Ciara McCarthy was instrumental in their success scoring a point in the final. Speaking on Friday club Chairperson Ms Hillary Hussey congratulated Ciara and explained how Ciara lifted the crowd when she came on at halftime smiling and ready for action.
Ms Hussey asked students to get involved with their local clubs by helping out underage and outlined how important sport was for life, forging friendships and developing interpersonal skills.

Coláiste Bhaile Chláir, Ladies Gaelic Footballers.
Anach Cuain abú
All first years took part in our annual first year race aimed at promoting physical activity and to help us identify any hidden athletes. As usual it was a very competitive race with some students completing the 1km race in excellent times.
Pictured are first year winners Owen Coll and Adrianna Kazimierczak.

1. Owen Coll
2. Darren O’Reilly
3. Sean Lynch

1. Adrianna Kazinierczak
2. Laura Scanlan
3. Natalia Sikorska
In Brief
Coláiste Bhaile Chláir Christmas Jumper Day Christmas Fundraiser for @GalwayHospice

All monies raised from our non-uniform day on Wednesday 21st of December will be donated to Galway Hospice.
Junior Achievement
First year @ClaregalwayColl students enjoying the #Futurewize #STEM programme recently with @Fidelity volunteer Mr Noel Maher

Great talent at our Christmas Concert all organised by 5th year music #maithsibh

Nollaig Shona Daoibh ó Choláiste Bhaile Chláir
Is eol duit , a Mhuire,
Cá rachair i mbliana
Ag iarraidh foscaidh
Do do Leanbh Naofa,
Tráth a bhfuil gach doras
Dúnta Ina éadan
Ag fuath is uabhar
An cine daonna?
Deonaigh glacadh
Le cuireadh uaimse
Go hoileán mara
San Iarthar cianda;
Beidh coinnle geala
I ngach fuinneog lasta
Is tine mhóna
Ar theallach adhainte.