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Review of the experience of the migrant populations in GalwayIn 2013, Galway County Council in partnership with agencies across Galway county designed and implemented the “Galway County Integration & Diversity Strategy 2013-2017”.This strategy aim was to improve the access and use of services for the migrant population living in Galway County.
The targeted areas were:

1. Education and Training
2. Employment and Work
3. Health and Access to Public Services
4. Community Participation

We ask you to complete this survey so that we can record what your experiences have been in accessing and participating in services in Co Galway.
AWARENESS AND INVOLVEMENT IN GALWAY COUNTY INTEGRATION & DIVERSITY STRATEGY 2013-20171. Are you aware of the Galway County Integration & Diversity Strategy 2013-2017?YesNoIf yes – where did you hear about it?A) Participated in the strategy design/implementationB) Informed by a service providerC) From website/social mediaD) From local community/community memberIf other, please specifyOther:2. If you were involved in the design or implementation of the strategy, in which area/activity of the strategy were you involved?a) Education and Trainingb) Employment and Workc) Health and Access to Public Servicesd) Community ParticipationEDUCATION AND TRAINING3) Have you engaged in education services in County Galway since 2013?YesNo3 a) If yes, how would you rate your experience in education services?1 – very poor2 – poor3 – fair4- good5 very good3 b) . In the strategy, the following areas were identified as the challenges. Tick those challenges if they apply to your experience of the education services.1. Difficulties with the Irish education system2. General difficulties around accessing education3. Racism4. Discrimination5. Communication difficulties6. Lack of informationIf other, please specifyOther:4) Training : Have you engaged in training services in County Galway since 2013?YesNo4 a) If yes, how would you rate your experience of training services?- very poor2 – poor3 – fair4- good5 -very good4 b) In the strategy, the following areas were identified as the challenges. Tick those challenges that apply to your experience in training services (towards work)?Difficulties with the Irish training system2. General difficulties around accessing training3. Racism,4. Discrimination5. Communication difficulties6. lack of informationIf other, please specifyOther:EMPLOYMENT AND WORK5) Have you been seeking employment, self employed or in paid employment since 2013 in County Galway?YesNo5 a) If yes, how would you rate your experiences of employment?1 very poor2 – poor3 – fair4- good5 very good5 b) In the strategy, the following areas were identified as the challenges. Tick those that are still challenges for you in accessing or in employment, or self employed .Difficult to get the first job (no local experience)Limited engagement by Local Business Support NetworksLack of information on business and employment opportunitiesEmployment permit issuesDifficulties with qualification recognitionRacism,DiscriminationLanguage barriers impeding employmentCommunication difficultieslack of informationIf other, please specifyOther:6) How has your experience of work been?- very poor2 – poor3 – fair4- good5 very good6 b) In the strategy, the following areas were identified as the challenges. Tick those that are still challenges for you about work.Access to work that matches skills and experienceExploitationLimited engagement by Local Business Support NetworksLack of information on additional business and employment opportunitiesEmployment permit issuesDifficulties with qualification recognitionFear and anxiety about social welfareRacism,DiscriminationLanguage barriers impeding work promotionCommunication difficultieslack of informationIf other, please specifyOther:HEALTH AND ACCESS TO PUBLIC SERVICES7) Have you availed of health services in County Galway since 2013?YesNo7 a) If yes, how do you rate your experience of health services?very poor2 – poor3 – fair4- good5 very good7 b) In the strategy the following areas were identified as the challenges. Tick those that apply to you in accessing health services.Difficulties in accessing health servicesAccessing culturally appropriate health servicesDifficulties experienced by ethnic minorities in accessing statutory supportsRacism,DiscriminationCommunication difficultieslack of informationIf other, please specifyOther:8) Have you availed of public services in County Galway since 2013?YesNo8 a) If yes, how would you rate your experience of accessing public services?- very poor2 – poor3 – fair4- good5 very good8 b) In the strategy the following areas were identified as the challenges. Tick those that apply to you in accessing other public services.Difficulties in accessing other public servicesDifficulties experienced by ethnic minorities in accessing statutory supportsLack of dedicate social worker (housing etc…) for Direct Provision CentresRacism,DiscriminationCommunication difficultieslack of informationIf other, please specifyOther:COMMUNITY9) Have you participated in community-based activities since 2013 in County Galway?YesNo9 a) If yes, how would you rate your experience of participating in community activities?1 – very poor2 – poor3 – fair4- good5 very good9 b) In the strategy the following areas were identified as the challenges. Tick those that are still challenges for you in participating in community activities.Limited interest in interculturalismIsolationlack of social spaces to interactLack of ongoing and sustained intercultural activities.Low levels of civic engagementRacism,DiscriminationCommunication difficultieslack of informationIf other, please specifyOther:Any other comments ?Your answerPROFILETo ensure we get a balance of views across the diversity of new communities’ members in Co. Galway, please fill in the followingAge Group18-3030-5050 -6565 +Clear selectionGenderYour answerCountry of OriginYour answerSince when did you first come to Galway?Your answerLegal StatusYour answerOccupationYour answerHome (Ireland)Your answerType of accommodation(own house, rented etc.)Your answerLevel of EnglishBasicintermediateAdvancedThank you very much for your time in completing this survey:All of this information will be anonymised, and the completed report will be available from Galway Rural DevelopmentSubmitNever submit passwords through Google Forms.