The blustery conditions of Knockdoemore on Sunday morning last did not thwart the determined efforts of a community to come together and launch their Buy a Block Campaign. The Cairde Mór Community Development Group, which promotes community endeavour in the Knockdoe, Lackagh and Bawnmore areas, were strongly supported in their launch by the officers & members of Claregalway GAA Club, local residents and organisations.

“Bring on the Future”—Dozens of young players, local residents and Claregalway GAA members launching the Buy a Block campaign in Knockdoe on Sunday.
“The centre, which is currently under construction, will be completed by Christmas and this week’s launch marks the start of a door to door fundraising campaign. We are well advanced in funding due to grant assistance but we need the community’s financial support for our Buy a Block drive to complete our matching funding requirements”, said Cairde Mór Community Group Chairman John Morrin this week.

Cairde Mór Committee members Tony Stephens, John Morrin and Ann Jones with Claregalway GAA Officers Alan Moran, Peadar Dolan and Kenny Murphy at the Buy a Block launch for Knockdoe Community Sports and Social Centre Last Sunday.
The Centre is being developed in Knockdoemore Park which already holds playing pitches which were developed by Claregalway GAA Club in recent years, and Club Chairman Peadar Dolan says “The 20 acre park will have an astro-turf facility added next year and it will also contain a perimeter walkway for local residents which may later be linked to Lackagh village across the Knockdoe Hills. It provides for the youth of the area to participate in sport while the adults can engage in some healthy exercise themselves.”
Hector Pitches in with ‘the Block-work’
TV & Radio personality Hector Ó hEochagáin, who lives in the area and actually coaches an U10 Group of footballers, was on hand to assist with the launch of the fundraising programme. The Knockdoe Community, Sports and Social Centre is an ambitious project with Exercise, Meeting, Treatment and Changing Rooms in the plans for a building that will exceed 4,000 sq ft. The GAA have been working hand in hand with the local Community and the vision for the park is one which will see state-of-the-art sporting facilities co-exist with other community activities such as the Scouts, walkers, joggers and even a children’s Cancer Charity.
“Ní neart go cur le chéile” (We have no power until we come together) says Hector “so please support the Block sellers when they call.”
Blocks will cost €50 Individual, €250 Family and €1,000 Business.