“The End of Suburbia” is a documentary film concerning peak oil and its implications for the suburban lifestyle, written and directed by Toronto-based filmmaker Gregory Greene. It was shown to the public on the Thursday 31st March at 8pm in the Ruby Room of the Kings Head pub on High Street. It was followed by… Read more »
Posts Tagged: Reviews
Director: Lee Unkrich Starring the Voices of: Tom Hanks, Tim Allen, Joan Cusack Rating: G Where to start? I was six years old when the original Toy Story was released, way back in 1995. Needless to say, I was absolutely captivated like most other people in the world, young and old alike. It was superbly… Read more »
Director: Nimród Antal Starring: Adrien Brody, Alice Braga, Laurence Fishburne, Topher Grace Rating: 15A ‘Predators’ is the latest instalment in the popular sci-fi horror franchise which follows a viscous type of alien that lives for the hunt, and ultimately, the kill. The big change from the previous two films is the setting. Where the 1987… Read more »
Director: Mike Mitchell Starring the Voices of: Mike Myers, Eddie Murphy, Cameron Diaz, Antonio Banderas Rating: G The final chapter of the Shrek series isn’t likely to stay in your memory for long, but it wraps things up nicely after a lacklustre third outing. While not as laugh-out-loud funny as the first two, the newest… Read more »
Director: Mike Newell Starring: Jake Gyllenhaal, Gemma Arterton, Ben Kingsley Rating: 12A Prince of Persia sets out to recreate the action found in the videogame series and hopefully find a new adventure franchise for cinema-goers. The series creator Jordan Mechner is even on board to help with the story. It proves to be a by-the-numbers… Read more »
Director: Samuel Bayer Starring: Jackie Earle Haley, Rooney Mara, Thomas Dekker, Clancy Brown Rating: 16 Freddy’s back! Well, he’s been ‘re-booted’ like so many other horror icons recently. Much like last year’s ‘Friday the 13th’, this 2010 reimagining of Wes Craven’s horror classic seeks to inject new energy into the long-running franchise.
Director: Louis Letterrier Starring: Sam Worthington, Liam Neeson, Gemma Arterton Rating: 12A As a massive fan of the 1981 original, I was very interested to see how the intriguing myth of Perseus would be brought to a 2010 audience. Put simply, I was very pleased.

Developer: Square Enix Publisher: Square Enix Rating: 16 Final Fantasy XIII is likely to polarize the fans of this beloved franchise. It takes an extremely streamlined approach to what people know about the immensely customisable and tactical games which have come before it.

Director: Martin Scorsese Starring: Leonardo DiCaprio, Mark Ruffalo, Ben Kingsley Rating: 15A Martin Scorsese’s latest sees him once again reunited with Leonardo DiCaprio for the mystery-thriller Shutter Island. Based on the 2003 novel of the same name by Dennis Lehane, the film deals with the arrival of U.S. Marshal Ted Daniels to Shutter Island, where… Read more »

Director: Joe Johnston Starring: Benicio Del Toro, Anthony Hopkins, Emily Blunt, Hugo Weaving Rating: 16 Remakes and re-imaginings are all the rage these days. Thankfully, 2010’s ‘The Wolfman’ can stand apart as one that is genuinely enjoyable. It follows the attempts of Lawrence Talbot

Director: Neil Blomkamp Starring: Sharlto Copely, Jason Cope Rating: 15 When District 9 was released in cinemas last year, it was a very pleasant surprise. The film managed to draw me in right from the get go, and its original premise works just as well on DVD.