St. Joseph’s Young Priest Society
A branch of St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society was inaugurated in Claregalway on the 21st May in the SMA house. It is one of several branches in the Galway Diocese.
St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society is a society of lay people founded by Mrs. Olivia Taaffe in 1895. The Society fosters vocations to the priesthood and religious life by prayer and helps financialy in the education of students to the priesthood.
Students for the priesthood in all Irish dioceses are helped by the Society as well as students in many other counties where the need exists for example in Hong Kong, India, Pakistan, Philipines, Sri. Lanka, South America and Africa.
You can help the Society by supporting the branch in your parish. A monthly meeting is held in the SMA House on the second Friday each month at 8pm. The next meeting was to be held on the 12th September, but there is a mini-vigil in Knock and most of the members are attending this vigil so it was decided to have the meeting on the 19th instead.
The Apostolic Society
September is here again and the members of Claregalway Branch of the Apostolic Society are back to work. The meetings of the branch are held on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month.
The annual cake sale and display of work will be held on Sunday, October 12th after the 11 o’clock Mass. The church gate collection will be held on Saturday 11th and Sunday 12th October. Since the formation of the branch people have been very generous in their support so we are sure that 1997 will be no exception. The proceeds of the cake sale and the collection help the missions.
The annual display for the diocese will be held in Salthill on October 19th at 3pm. Everyone is welcome to attend.