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Much prayers and blessings to everyone on this beautiful morning and new day especially to those who are in need of a prayer or a kindness or a support of some kind….. We are all in this life together. So I really pray this morning and today and I hope to put actions behind and with my prayers to as I always try to do for 
Those who are homeless to find shelter.
Those who are depressed to discover joy.
Those who are addicted to find release.
Those who are lonely to find friend.
Those who are abused or have been abused may find truth, justice and real peace.
Those who are confused or lost to find a path.
Those who are heartbroken
to know that it will pass.
Those who are sick especially those who asked me to pray for them today and for their loved ones to find strenght and healing.
Those who live in darkness to be covered in light.
Those who are dying
to know that they have lived.
I pray today for peace where there is unrest,
And for real love and compassion especially for those most in need to prevail over all….Believe in yourself, know your strength, know your value, be positive and optimistic about life; move forward and approach life confidently, face challenges in life courageously. Never give up on you or on your hopes and dreams, be driven by faith and prayers and if your like me light a candle or help out physically those most in need in our society and world and try to overcome everything like the powerful being you are 💜 If you are struggling or in a difficult time currently or previously. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you feel you need assistance or support, there are always others including myself looking out for you and those in need. It’s OK not to be OK at times.
If you’re feeling down on yourself, upset, depressed, feeling alone or feel like you are a failure, or just going through a difficult time like I do at times please don’t give up or give into it. You are at times like I sometimes are, in the darkness, you need to step out of the dark into the light. Only then will you be able to love and understand yourself before you face the outer world. Don’t let the negative thoughts hit you and ruin you. You will be knocked down, but you will get back up. You will get knocked down again, but now you’re stronger than before and you will get up again faster and stay up longer. If you are feeling down or upset, reach out to those you love, if you feel alone or helpless, don’t. For you are never alone. If you are having trouble finding love, take a step back. Find yourself, understand yourself, be honest and mindful with yourself, and most importantly love yourself first. Only then will you be able to face the love you desire and show to others, as well as receive in return. If you are afraid or nervous others only see you for looks, don’t be. If someone only sees you for looks, they have seen nothing at all. For you must look within someone to see their true beauty and understand them fully. No one deserves to be in pain. No one deserves to be abandoned. No one especially our children and most vulnerable deserve to be abused or abandoned or made homeless. No one deserves to be forgotten. Especially when one shows you love, care, compassion, devotion, loyalty and respect for you. Don’t stay in the darkness, for there’s plenty of light to go around if we can just learn to share more especially with our poor and needy and there’s lots of support for all of you and us out there. Hello to all out there, I am reaching out to anyone and everyone including myself that is in need of a positive prayer as I light my morning candle , to help get us back on track and living with hope and positivity. If you need others to help you out, speak your mind on what’s going on, and be shown support and understanding that you feel you have not received, you are more than what you see yourself as being.
The adventure of life is to learn.
The purpose of life is to grow.
The nature of life is to change.
The challenge of life is to overcome and forgive and be forgiven.
The essence of life is to care abd to love and ro show real compassion
The opportunity of life is to serve.
The secret of life is to dare.
The spice of life is to befriend.
The beauty of life is to give and to help and support especially those on the edges of our socities.
The joy of life is to love, to care, be compassionate and be of genuine help to those most in need
May I learn from my sorrows and demons. May my heart open in greater love, compassion and forgiveness. May I find deeper peace, prayer, acceptances, joy and happiness in my present life.
May I let go of fear and come to see the gifts of wisdom and compassion that can be found in all life’s difficulties. May all hearts and minds eventually awaken, allowing love to guide us home. I pray we may all challenge ourselves to delve into the deepest resources of our hearts to cultivate an atmosphere of understanding, acceptance, tolerance, and compassion. We are all in this life together. So I really I pray today for 
Those who are homeless to find shelter.
Those who are depressed to discover joy.
Those who are addicted to find release.
Those who are lonely to find friend.
Those who are abused or have been abused may find truth, justice and real peace.
Those who are confused or lost to find a path.
Those who are heartbroken
to know that it will pass.
Those who are sick especially those who asked me to pray for them to find strenght and healing.
Those who live in darkness to be covered in light.
Those who are dying
to know that they have lived.
I pray today for peace where there is unrest,
And for real love and compassion especially for those most in need to prevail over all 💛Be you and be loved and acceptance ……then Let it Be 💛