Over the Summer period considerable work has been carried out at the Leisure Centre to enhance the sporting facilities and we are now ready for the season. A new wooden sprung floor has just been finished which gives a whole new dimension to the Centre. The floor has been professionally lined for a number of sports and we are very pleased with the result. Additional meeting room facilities have been added, with the entire interior to the Centre being repainted in bright co-ordinated colours.
We are now taking bookings for the hall and meeting area. In order to facilitate those who have supported the Centre in the past, we are now requesting bookings for the season. The timetable has been modified to reflect the expected increase in activity with each allocation starting on the half-hour (i.e. 6.30–7.30) rather than the hour as before. Bookings are being taken on 798371 where staff are available each morning. Outside those hours a message may be left on the answering service and your call will be returned.. All bookings will be confirmed.
As a result of the improvements during the summer months, a small increase in charges for the hall if effective. These charges can be obtained from the Centre with the additional condition that each session is paid in advance.
Registration will take place on Monday 20th October at 10am for morning classes. Flower Arrangement by Ve Murphy will commence on Wednesday 22nd October at 10.30am–12.30pm. Price £25 for 8 weeks. Decoupage by Florence Powell will commence on Thursday 23rd October at 10.30am–12.30pm. Price £35 for 8 weeks. Places are limited, so early registration on Monday 20th October is advisable.