The Claregalway branch of the Apostolic Society held their annual display of work and cake sale and raffle on Sunday 12th October. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you all most sincerely for all your help. Thanks to all who donated cakes, bought raffle tickets and gave donations for the missions. A very special Thank You to Noreen Murphy—our special ticket seller. Total amount collected on the day was £367.
Many thanks to Hughes Supermarket, Summerfield Service Station, Galway Crystal and Glynn’s of Lydican and others who gave us raffle prizes.
We held our church gate collection on Sunday 26th, and again sincere thanks to all who supported it. Amount collected was £440. We owe our success on both these days to your generosity
We offer our deepest sympathy to Marie Dempsey our President on the sudden death of her mother Mrs. Kitty O’Boyle. Mass for the repose of her soul will be offered in Claregalway Church on Wednesday 19th November at 7.30 p.m. at the request of the branch members.