The Annual General Meeting of the Leisure Centre was held on Wednesday 4th March. There was a small attendance, but nevertheless, a satisfactory meeting took place. The out-going Officers were re-elected to their positions, which are as follows: Tony Clarke Chairman, Mary Reidy Secretary, Hubert Newell Treasurer.
There was a general feeling of having completed a very satisfactory year with regard to the work carried out in the Centre. However, fundraising suggestions were considered and discussed, as there is still quite an amount of essential maintenance and improvements which must be carried out. The shortage of ordinary committee members adds to the difficulty in fund-raising, and we are still hoping our numbers will increase.
A Basketball Marathon will take place, as a fundraising venture, in the Centre on Sunday 19th April. There are a large number of children playing Basketball, and they are looking forward to taking part. Please support them when they approach you for sponsorship.
It was agreed that the Summer Camp held at the Centre last year was a tremendous success, and we would like to offer it locally again this coming Summer.
However, its success was largely due to a huge amount of voluntary help. If we are to repeat this Camp, we need to look for volunteers from the Community . We would like to run the Camp during the week commencing 13th July–17th July.
A meeting will be held in the Centre on Monday 23rd March at 8.30pm to which we are inviting anyone interested in helping out. We need to be sure of a force of 14 people/day so whatever time you could spare would be very important. The future of the Summer Camp depends on the outcome of this meeting. Please come along.
Mary Casserly P.R.O.