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The Annual General Meeting of the Claregalway Leisure Centre will be held in the Centre on Tuesday 6th March at 9pm. Please mark this very important date in your diary.

The Leisure Centre is managed by a committee who voluntarily give of their time to co-ordinate the many and various acitivities that take place, maintain the building and carry out the fundraising which has financed the necessary maintenance. Over the past year, the overall appearance of the Centre has continued to improve, with the completion of the car park (lines and lighting), and the revarnishing of the floor which was a costly but very necessary and worthwhile exercise. These improvements are enjoyed by all the groups, local and otherwise (basketball, badminton, indoor soccer, scouts etc.) who avail of the facilities. The upstairs meeting room continues to be made available to any local groups who wish to make a booking.

Your Community Centre is run by the people, for the people. The more people who are involved, the smaller the workload for everyone. If you feel you have even a small contribution to make, do come along on Tuesday, 6th March at 9pm.

Mary Casserly