You can’t but have noticed how well the building programme, which commenced on February 5th, is progressing—thanks in no small way to the very welcome dry weather during much of February. Tosach maith leath na h-oibre.
The total amount contributed during the month of February come to £7,510. This includes a very generous donation of £1,000 from a family-run business in the parish and is in addition to their monthly contribution by Standing Order. The total amount contributed during the past four months since the fund raising was launched in November, comes to £44,090. Arís, tosach maith leath na h-oibre.
The Members of the Fundraising Committee wish to say a very sincere thanks to all who have faithfully contributed to the project and they appeal to those who have not yet come on board to consider doing so now. They are more than happy with the response to date—£44,090 in the first four months—that’s almost 2 of the contract price—so they are now very confident that the total amount will be realised during the remaining 22 months.