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Parish of Claregalway—the Assumption & St. James

Dear Parishioner,

Following the recent removal of poles and connection of new electricity supply by the ESB, we were able to proceed last week with the final phase of the development, the laying of tarmacadam on the car park.

Five funerals have so far been held in the Mortuary Chapel. We understand there has been a very enthusiastic welcome for this long over-due facility for the parish and wholehearted approval for the overall design of the building and for its tasteful decor and furnishings.

The Meeting Room is now available for parish groups and organisations for meetings. Enquiries and booking information from the Secretary of the Fund Raising Committee, Carmel Casserly at 798249.

One hundred and sixty five individuals or families have either made an initial contribution of £120 for one year or the total contribution of £260 for the 26 months. A considerable number have in fact contributed in excess of £260. As expected, however, the majority contributes by monthly envelope.

It doesn’t really matter how one contributes—what is important is that every household tries to make some contribution.

The situation regarding fundraising is that £86,542 has been contributed up to the 31st of August 2001. To date £168,309 has been expended—£49,707 directly from the special No. 3 Claregalway Parish Mortuary Chapel Account and £118,602 from Meithel the Galway Diocesan Development Fund, in the form of an Interest Free Loan. To date, £20,000 has been repaid to Meitheal and further repayments will be made as contributions are received.

The real reason for this tri-annual update letter is to say a thousand thanks to all who have contributed so very generously and faithfully to the project to date. We regret that we are not yet in a position to provide a final figure for the total cost. As you are aware there were additional charges to cover Architects, Quantity Surveyor’s, and Structural Engineer’s fees, furnishing the Mortuary Chapel and Meeting Room landscaping, replacement of the old unsightly chimney on the Boiler House with a stainless steel flue, capping and white marble dash-finish to the old wall facing Lakeview Estate, contribution to Local Authority, additional tarmacadam expenses etc. Most of these charges are included in the figures above but at present there are some amounts outstanding for furnishings etc.

We would hope to have a final statement of account in the next update at the end of the year.

If you happen to be among the minority who has not yet availed of the opportunity to make a contribution, we, the Fund Raising Committee, would like to invite you to come on board now. The recommended contribution is £10 (£13) per month, payable by special monthly envelope, or, should you prefer, annually, biannually or by Standing Order. Boxes of monthly envelopes are available at the Church.

With renewed thanks and every good wish,

Yours sincerely,
Fr Noel Mullin. P.P.
(On behalf the Fund Raising Committee) 

September, 2001

Committee: Fr Noel Mullin (798104); Seamus O’Connell (798245); Philip Cribbin (798348); Noel Grealish (794991); Tom Moran (798280); Tom Lenihan (79801 1); Carmal Casserly (798249).