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The Claregalway Leisure Centre, located beside the GAA pitch in Lakeview is an integral part of the ever-increasing population of Claregalway. It is entrusted to Claregalway community and is run on a voluntary basis by the community for the community. The committee of the Leisure Centre would like to take this opportunity to update you on the activity in the centre and the plans for the future.

The facilities available at the centre include the playing area, stage, offices, meeting rooms, kitchen and changing rooms. The range of sporting and social activities held there is very significant. These include badminton, basketball, indoor soccer, Olympic handball, Hip-Hop, speech & drama classes, craft fair, drama festival, Feis, and summer camps. The centre is also used by the local Scout troop, National school, Youth club and is available for hire for birthday parties and other functions. Given this level of activity the numbers of children and adults using the centre is substantial. Also we are looking to achieve a good balance between the sporting and social activities so that the centre caters for everyone in the community. We estimate there are over 600 regular weekly users of the centre. However the clubs are always looking for more members and there are still some available hours in the schedule.

Some of the recent developments include the setting up of the Youth club. This is targeted at second level students, 1st, 2nd and 3rd years and runs on Friday nights from 9pm to 10.30pm. A vibrant and strong Youth club will provide an important outlet for the young teenagers in our community. It requires the support of parents and young adults to make it a success. Anybody willing to become involved in the Youth club should contact us. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Also, the Centre will hold the All Ireland Drama finals in April and May. This is being co-ordinated by the local drama group, Compantas Lir. It is a very significant achievement for Compantas Lir and our Centre to be awarded this honour. We hope the community will turn-out in large numbers to support the various plays during the finals.

Over the last few years the facilities in the centre have been developed and improved – the playing surface, kitchen and changing rooms. The playing surface is recognised as being one of the best in Galway. Recently a new heating system was installed. The next step is to upgrade the entrance hall and add additional function rooms at the front of the building. Planning permission is granted and funding is being organised. Some funding is available from government bodies but we will have to raise a significant portion of the costs ourselves. The operating costs of the centre are covered by rental income by participating groups, supplemented by fund-raising events and sponsorship. We require the financial support of the community for this new development.

So, as you can see there’s lots happening and lots to do. The AGM is being held on April 4th at 9pm in the Centre. We would like strong support at this meeting to reflect the important role the centre plays in the life of the community. The centre provides an important service to the community and requires the support of local people to make it a success. We hope to see you on April 4th.

Chairman – Gabriel Kearney (091 799131)
Secretary – Michelle Rohan (091 798917)
Treasurer – Alan Moran (091 798956)