Remedial works to the bridge in Claregalway are expected to continue for another five weeks as part of the old structure is replaced as part of overall flood alleviation works in the area.
The first phase of the works, which is to install a new parapet system o the bridge, is taking place on the bridge alongside the northbound lane of the N17.
The works are being carried out from a suspended scaffold and involve hydro-demolition works to remove the existing steel railings, which are considered sub-standard.
The €100,000 project will transfer to the other side of the bridge and when complete the new steel parapet system on the bridge will match the parapet system on the recently constructed flood eye in the area.
Meanwhile, an exhibition of the Claregalway and Clare River flood alleviaiton works are to go on public display next Friday, November 16, in the Arches Hotel, Claregalway.
Minister of State with responsibility for the Office of Public Works Brian Hayes is due to launch the exhibition at 11am and will also outline details of the work that has been completed to date, the works that are still outstanding and a timescale for the completion of this work.
Independent TD Noel Grealish welcomed the exhibition, which he said would give people affected by the devastating floods of three years ago the opportunity to question the Minister on the proposed works.
“I am encouraging all those who were affected by flooding in November 2009 to attend the launch of this exhibition as they will have an opportunity to meet the Minister and discuss the works that are to be carried out and learn how it will affect them,” he said.
“Further flood alleviation works will be carried out as part of the overall scheme of remedial works, including drainage works at Carnmore East, which are expected to commence in 2013 and it is hoped that when this work is completed it will prevent a recurrence of the devastating floods of November 2009.
“This exhibition will remain on display for four weeks, and I would encourage all those affected or concerned about flooding to try and attend the launch or visit the exhibition before it closes.