A Passion for Gardening and Gardens!
Mother’s Day
Mothers Day is a day when we honour the mothers in our lives – our mothers, grandmothers and our godmothers. It is a day of celebration, love and thanksgiving for these wonderful women. At Horkans, we really understand how important a mother is and how important it is to show them you care. If you need some inspiration this Mothers Day, then read our gift guide here.
Paraic’s Tips For Your Garden In March
Blueberries are a super-food linked with numerous health benefits. They are also fun to grow and produce a fantastic crop of flavoursome, juicy blue fruit. You can grow blueberries in pots and patio tubs. When planting use GroWise compost and whilst growing use GroSure plant food. They fruit over a long period from June to September. Read more March gardening tips here.
Paraic’s Plant of the Month: March 2019
The March plant of the month is the Himalayan Daphne. It is an evergreen shrub with clusters of dainty shell-pink flowers. It is one of the most powerful emitters of spring frangrance releasing a wonderfully sweet scent. Read more about this special March plant here.
Lawn Care: Steps To Success
We all dream of having a lush green lawn. A garden oasis we can take pride in and enjoy spending time in. But how do we achieve such a lawn? Here we outline how you can have a rich green lawn in just 3 simple steps:
1. Treat moss using Zero
2. Feed lawn using Osmo
3. Remove weeds using Dicophar
Read our steps to success here.
Where Is Paraic Next?
Paraic is our resident gardening expert. He is a qualified horticulturist from the National Botanics Garden in Dublin. He is a gardening whiz and he loves sharing his knowledge, tips and tricks. He is a regular on Ireland AM, the Pat Kenny show and Mid West Radio. To stay up to date with Paraic’s appearances, follow our blog here.
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