A Priest Who Spent 20 Years Studying Aloe Vera Says That Cancer Can Be Cured! This Is The Recipe! For 20 years, father Romano Zago from Brazil studied the Aloe Vera plant and managed to discover a natural cure for cancer, which was published in his book “Cancer Can Be Cured”. While serving God… Read more »
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By Galway Advertiser Fine food and good wines have been served for well over four hundred years at Cloonacauneen Castle and this tradition still continues in the tower house that rises majestically over the landscape around it on the Tuam Road. Cloonacauneen Castle is one of Galway’s best known Tower Houses rising up to over fifty feet in… Read more »

Dear Fellow Gardeners, Winter has arrived and gardening in the cold and rain is not much fun unless you have a polytunnel or greenhouse. Last week we pulled out all the tomatoes at the community garden in Bundoran, dug over the soil, sprinkled organic poultry manure pellets (Greenvale) and raked it into a fine bed. … Read more »

November Grower’s Calendar Preparation Thoughts really are now starting to turn to next year’s growing. If you are planning to cover down your beds for the winter (which will keep the worst of the bad weather off them, suppress weeds and prevent the rain from leaching nutrients from the soil), you need to get working… Read more »

Lion afraid of the mouse by thereluctantemigrant Much as I hate mention of Christmas outside of December, preparations do have to start a little early when your live in a Muslim country literally devoid of the little touches that make Christmas special. Sure, Carrefour carry a few decorations, and there are toy shops in every mall, but… Read more »

Posted by: Liam in Beautiful Irish Photos, Castle & Monuments, Galway, I spent a few days in Galway a couple of years ago, and while there I stayed in the Claregalway hotel around 7 or 8 miles from Galway city center. Just a short distance from the hotel was the Claregalway Friary, a medieval Franciscan abbey. There’s not a whole… Read more »
1250: A Franciscan Friary was founded in Claregalway by John de Cogan!, an Anglo-Norman adventurer. He had been granted Claregalway as reward for his involvement in the conquest of Connacht c 1235. Eugene O’Heyne, a local noble, provided the friary with a dormitory, having provided the same for the Dominicans of Athenry in 1241. 1252: De… Read more »

Effective All-Natural Tips for Arthritis 1. Reach and Maintain a Healthy Weight Additional body fat strains joints, but accumulated fat itself can also cause problems to joints that are already sensitive and partially damaged. Fat does more than just sit on your body — it’s also an active tissue that creates and releases hormones and… Read more »

Over the many years people have watched in awe at families that have taken on the challenge as Ireland’s fittest family. The contestants are faced with tremendous obstacles in the challenges and this weekend the local Flynn family in Lackagh take on the challenge. It is hard to imagine that Julien and his wife Emma… Read more »

Day 1 & 2 So it’s Day 2 and to be honest, I was just too traumatised to start my blog yesterday. Why? Well where the fuck do I begin! Ok… So I rushed home from work to kit myself out in lovely unflattering shiny lycra stuff and the first moments of shame came when i… Read more »

10 Reasons To Grow For Wellbeing GIY’s first full time therapeutic horticulturalist, Caitriona Kelly, describes 10 ways that growing can help improve our mental health, as evidenced by research. Mental wellbeing ebbs and flows, and in the same way a person can experience a bout of physical ill-health, anyone can experience a bout of mental… Read more »

If we were to live our lives like the seasons we would naturally flow with the energy of life. So why then do we fear change? For many people there is a comfort being in the same old routine and familiar surroundings, for others there is a need to change but afraid to take that… Read more »