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We received this information from a reader concerned with the amount of local residents using herbicides to eradicate dandelions.


Now that spring has arrived, I would like to share some interesting information with our neighbours. I see a lot of people in the area trying to get rid of dandelions using herbicides. These herbicides can migrate to our water system, and are extremely dangerous for the environment. It is a big problem that we can help tackle on a local level by avoiding pervasive chemicals in our gardens and farms.

Further reading on the harmful effects of herbicides on our health and the environment:

On another note, dandelions—as well as looking great— have numerous health benefits. These include relief from liver disorders, diabetes, urinary disorders, acne, jaundice, cancer and anemia. It also helps in maintaining bone health, skin care and is a benefit to weight loss programs. In fact I have them every day in salads or smoothies.

Further reading on how good dandelions are for our health:

Strawberry, Orange & Dandelion Smoothie

Photo and recipe via Green Thickies:

Photo and recipe via Green Thickies:

  • ½ cup water (if you are drinking this straight away substitute some ice for water)
  • ½ cup of Orange Juice (I used the juice from 2 medium oranges)
  • 3–4 cups strawberries (I used one 400g punnet)
  • 1 cup Dandelion Leaves, tightly packed or 2 cups loosely packed (spinach or any other mild greens will also work)
  • ¼ cup Pecans (pre-soaked for a smoother blend)
  • 1 cup Dates (or any other dried fruit which can also be pre-soaked for a smoother blend)
  • 1 cup Oats (if you don’t have a powerful blender and want the smoothie very smooth you can soak the oats for an hour before blending)
  • 1 teaspoon ground vanilla
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon

Blend the ingredients in the order listed. Add more water if required to thin it out. Substitute any of the ingredients for whatever you already have. If your smoothie is too warm, you can cool it down in the fridge. For more delicious recipes visit