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Completed forms for the Summer Camp are still being accepted by the Centre. Should you wish to return your form, there are still a small number places available on the camp. Forms may be obtained from the people whose names and telephone numbers are listed below. The Camp takes place 14th–18th July and if last year is anything to judge by, it promises to be a memorable week for all participants and helpers alike.

  • Tony Clarke 798942
  • Patricia Newell 798771
  • Mary Reide 798887
  • Kevin Duffy 798049

The young basketball players of the parish, organised by coach Maura Harte, ran an extremely successful basketball marathon on Sunday, l9th April. This venture realized substantial funds which will be put to very good use in the ongoing development of the Centre. Our thanks to Maura and to Pauline Murphy, Sinead Greally and everyone else who helped out on the day. Most of all a very special thank you to the children.

Many people came along to a Cookery Demonstration, which was given the Panel of Chefs Western Branch, in the Community Centre on Thursday 30th April. The Demonstration was preceded by a Cheese and Wine Reception and an enjoyable evening was had by all. Hopefully the Gourmet Delights were presented to appreciative families throughout the parish over the Bank Holiday weekend.

We are grateful to the Chefs for presenting their Demonstration in Claregalway, and to everyone else involved in the venture. All the people throughout the parish who bought tickets, as well as those who attended on the night, Galway Bay FM and The Tuam Herald for Media coverage, and to all who sponsored Raffle Prizes, and to the Ladies from Fás—Deirdre in particular, who did wonderful work in preparing the Centre for the occasion. Thank you everyone.

Sponsors for Raffle Prizes and Cheese: Galway Bay Hotel, Salthill. Paco Sweaters, Eyre Square Shopping Centre, Tolan Distribution Ltd., Merlin Park. O’Maille Collection, Claregalway. Michelle Rohan’s Beauty Salon, Claregalway. Cregmore Construction, Claregalway. Fallon’s Pub, Turloughmore. Sheila Shaughnessy Hairdresser. Glynn’s Garden Centre, Claregalway. Donal O’Connor Car Sales Ltd. Derrydonnell Filling Station. Hughes Supermarket, Claregalway.

Mary Casserly P.R.O.