The Draft Development Plan for Claregalway is a blueprint for the development of the village for the next six years. This is a critical period in the development of the village as it moves from an era where little growth or change took place to the present time with pressure for housing, community facilities, new roads etc. This is the first time that a Development Plan has been prepared for the village of Claregalway. Prior to this, Claregalway had a land use zoning map in the County Development Plan but did not have a detailed framework to guide the future development of the village.
The overall strategy is to ensure that Claregalway develops as a balanced settlement with residential growth supported by an adequate range of community, amenity and commercial facilities. This strategy is based on the provision of a focal point centered on the historic ruins to the north of the village. The present village centre from the junction with the Oranmore Road to the Nine Arches would become the commercial heart of the expanding village providing a range of shopping, restaurants and community facilities such as libraries etc.
Lands to the rear of the school would be acquired and developed for community facilities such as park and playing pitches. Lands along the banks of the River Clare would be developed to form a linear park with walkways and cycleways which would be accessible to the entire community. While this riverside linear park may not be fully achieved during the period of this plan, it will provide a unique feature, which will link the historic ruins, the restored Nine Arches Bridge and the river, to existing and future residential areas. It is envisaged that future residential development would occur in a balanced and compact way around the village core as opposed to extending in a linear form along the approach roads to the village. A limited area is provided for enterprise and employment type development to the south of the village close to the intersection of the Oranmore and future by-pass roads.
The preparation of a more detailed design concept for the future development of the village centre was agreed between County Council officials and community representatives at public meetings in Claregalway. This design study has been undertaken by the Consultants, Brady Shipman Martin and is virtually completed.
A plentiful and reliable water supply has been provided recently by the extension of the Tuam Regional Scheme to Claregalway. This has linked the village to one of the biggest and most up to date water supply schemes in the country. Plans are well advanced to provide a sewage scheme which was delayed somewhat as the County Council investigated the possibility of linking Claregalway to the Galway City sewage system.
The Draft Development Plan therefore, sets out a vision for the future development of the village. The effective achievement of this vision is in the hands, not just of Galway County Council, but the community at large, including individuals, community representatives, public representatives and landowners. I look forward to working with all of the people of Claregalway towards implementing the objectives of this Plan, which I believe will ensure that Claregalway continues to be an attractive place to live and visit.
If any one has any questions or suggestions regarding the above project, please feel free to call Cllr. Noel Grealish on the following numbers:
Home 091 794991, Mobile 087 2648607
Email [email protected]
Noel will be available, by appointment, on Wednesday evenings, in his home, between the hours of 7pm– 9pm.