Maree – €120,458.68
Lackagh, Turloughmore – €104,970.75
Galway West Senator, Fidelma Healy Eames has welcomed the news that funding €225 429.43 has been granted by Galway Rural Development Company (GRDC) to a number of local projects.
“I am pleased to hear that €225 429.43 has been made available to local projects by the GRDC. This funding will go a long way to improving the lives & services available, especially for young people in rural areas.”
“€120,458.68 has been made available to the Maree Community Development Company to build a covered indoor artificial grass playing surface arena with modern lighting and storage facilities. I was delighted to be able to announce this grant of new funding from Galway rural development of €120,458.68 for the indoor arena and astro-turf last Saturday at the Family Fun Day.”
“The whole community but most especially the children and parents of Maree and Oranmore are fortunate to have had a series of focused chairs and committees through the years to deliver a veritable sports campus for Maree.”
“Names that come to mind include John Shaughnessy, Louis Burke, Andy Clohessy, Clare Conneeley to name but a few, and of course Joe Broder, the man who prepares the robust proposals that never fail to impress. The work of Anne Flynn at Galway Rural Development in recognising local community population needs must also be acknowledged. ”
“More good news is also on the way for Lackahg as €104,970.75 has also been secured by Cairde Mor Ltd. for the construction of a playground and recreational area in Lackagh, Turloughmore. This project will be of great benefit to children of all ages and abilities, as through play children learn about themselves and the world around them building up their physical, emotional, social, cognitive and creative skills. In addition it will greatly enhance the facilities in the village of Turloughmore and Lacknagh. “
“I want to commend the local committee for their dedicated efforts in advancing this robust & valuable proposal for their community”