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Voluntary and Community Activities on Roads, Amenity areas and Other
Areas in the charge of Galway County Council
Galway County Council recognises, welcomes and greatly values the efforts and role of local community groups, bodies and voluntary agencies in carrying out works to improve the overall appearance of the county in which Galway County Council serves. This document sets out the requirements of Galway County Council to which all such groups, agencies and bodies must comply to ensure that these activities are carried out in an appropriate fashion for the safety and benefit of all.

Proposed Works & Services
The works or services which are proposed must be agreed with the relevant area engineer prior to approval by the Municipal District Engineer of the area in which works or services are to be carried out or provided. These works must be that Galway County Council can take completed works in its charge after an appropriate period without incurring rectification or repair cost prior to same.
This effectively means that the proposers must submit a written outline of these proposals. This outline should clearly state the works or services involved, the locations, the time schedule and the number of persons involved with details as to whether the participants are part of a formal scheme such as a Community Employment Scheme, TUS or simply volunteers of a local community.
The Municipal District Engineer shall confirm in writing, agreement in regard to the proposals outlines.
The works and services permitted shall be strictly within the agreed proposals and shall not proceed until this written confirmation is in place.

Insurance Requirements
The Community/Voluntary Group must provide written confirmation that it has Public Liability insurance to a level of €6.5million for one single incident and Employers Liability insurance to a level of €12.7million (if relevant). The Community/Voluntary Group must also indemnify Galway County Council in regards to works and services provided.
The period of the insurance cover must extend until the works have been taken in charge or until theservice provision is completed.

Health & Safety Legislation Compliance
The Community/Voluntary Group must provide written confirmation that all its proposed works and services shall be carried out provided in compliance with appropriate safety and health legislation.
This effectively means that all involved must have appropriate training (e.g. this can range from SLG training for high risk construction projects on a road to a toolbox talk/induction for a low risk job),signage where required, equipment, PPE and properly developed and appropriate safety documentation relative to the risk. Depending on the activity some documentation may need to be Revision 3 September 2018
submitted to Galway County Council – see the Process Flow Chart of application requirements
Galway County Council will not take on any role or responsibility in regards to compliance with Health & Safety Legislation for these works or services.
Where works are being carried out in public places in charge of Galway County Council the Community Groups and Voluntary Agencies must carry out these works and provide these services in a manner which protects the safety of the persons carrying out the works and of the general public. Works have been assessed and divided into 2 categories based on risk and competencies required. They are as follows:
(i) Construction e.g. painting, drainage, wall building, footpaths, erecting signage and other
activities as defined by the Health & Safety Authority
In such cases the community groups and voluntary agencies will be expected to comply with the
requirements of documents such as the ‘Guidance Document for the Control and Management of
Traffic at Roadworks’ where appropriate and provide evidence of documentation as listed in the
following process flow chart
(ii) Non-Construction E.g. Litter picking, grass cutting, strimming, spraying, watering plants,
emptying litterbins, street sweeping, cleaning recycling centres, hedge trimming (using
handheld trimmers) and maintenance of flowerbeds etc…
In such cases the community groups and voluntary agencies will be expected to complete a selfdeclaration.
No works will be permitted to take place on any major roads with a speed limit greater than 80km/hr and traffic volumes greater than 1000 vehicles per day. Works on all other types of roads will be assessed on a case by case basis.

Galway County Council cannot provide funding directly from its Roads Programme to any
Community/Voluntary Group for these types of activities. Galway County Council may within existing resources provide materials and/or equipment to assist in these activities if appropriate.
Whilst Galway County Council will make every effort to assist these projects failure to comply or to ensure ongoing compliance with the requirements of the above will prevent a project commencing or cause it to be stopped without notice.


Guidance for Voluntary and Community group applications Rev3

Application form for voluntary and community activities Rev 2