On Sunday, May 3rd, 2020, Norah Neenan, wife of the late Patrick Neenan, and mother of four children, passed away.
The family was at the heart of everything for Norah. She made many sacrifices so her family could get a good education and start in life. She looked after her grandchildren in the same manner and was content when her family were looked after. Norah took a keen interest in all of her children and grandchildren’s life endeavours. With kind words of encouragement, Norah was always available to help and support her family.
She enjoyed the family get-togethers where chatting, playing cards especially ’25’, cups of tea and food were enjoyed by all. Her door was always open, and a warm welcome was extended to all visitors to her home.
Norah was a woman of strong faith saying the rosary daily and attending Mass regularly. Her prayers, and faith, supported her throughout her life, which she passed on to her family. Norah was a cherished member of the Tuam Neocatechumenal Way community, and the wider Neocatechumenal Way comunity. There was always a warm welcome for Norah when she arrived and a certain reverence for her, as she was a senior member.
Norah enjoyed participating in many faith-based events and took great joy in meeting her friends and new people. She worked hard alongside her husband running the farm, which often involved early mornings and late nights. She was equal to any man on the farm, tending to the animals and crops. Norah had a great love of th outdoors and was very in touch with nature, growing and showing great green fingers. Norah’s fern plant continues to flourish after 40 years, and her 15-year old poinsettia carries on blooming.
Norah was born in Loughgeorge, Claregalway. Her father was a blacksmith, coming from several generations of blacksmiths, who shod many a winner at the Galway Races. Norah was proud of her roots and her love of her home in Claregalway, where she visited regularly.
She talked fondly of her childhood and time in the forge, which was donated by the Smyth family to the State. It is now a tourist attraction in Loughgeorge.
Norah is deeply mourned and sadly missed by her son Padraig, daughters Mary, Kathleen and Patricia, daughter-in-law Mary, sons-in-law Sean and Liam, adored granchildren Áine, Pádraig, Noel, John, Patrick, Michael, Claire and Sinead, sister Maura, sister-in-law Bridget, nieces, nephews, extended family, neighbours and friends.