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RE: Townland Names—Baile Chláir/Baile Cláir na Gaillimhe Claregalway Amenity Group received a letter from Galway County Council stating that Claregalway is described in Irish as Baile Chláir. It was then forwarded to the Ordnance Survey Office in Phoenix Park, Dublin 8 and the following is the reply we received: Tagraím do litir faoin Iogainm Baile… Read more »

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Work has commenced on installing the new floor in the Community Centre. This has resulted in its closure in recent weeks. It is expected that the centre will re-open at the end of September for all sports, recreational and meeting facilities. Bookings for the coming year are currently being taken—tel. 798371. Mary Reidy

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On July 28th last, I set off for St. Flannan’s College in Ennis for a 3-week intensive French Course. I was full of trepidation, as I had read the course programme and it sounded very strict. Parents were advised to say goodbye as soon as they left students to the Reception area and that is… Read more »

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Because of the weather, very few people have been active in the garden, but September brings renewed hope for a lot of people as they plan certain tasks. Your lawn will need continued cutting and you can apply an autumn lawn food to strengthen it for the winter. This is the best time of the… Read more »

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St. Joseph’s Young Priest Society A branch of St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society was inaugurated in Claregalway on the 21st May in the SMA house. It is one of several branches in the Galway Diocese. St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society is a society of lay people founded by Mrs. Olivia Taaffe in 1895. The Society… Read more »

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The Galway Branch of the Irish Society for Autism will have their official opening on Monday, the 15th September next. The service will be launched by Minister of State Mr. Bobby Molloy,TD, The Branch have purchased a farm at Gortcloonmore, Claregalway and have named it Cloonmore Farm. The idea originated from the Dunfirth Method—an organic… Read more »

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Birthday wishes to Michelle, Gerard and Darragh Kirrane of Cregboy who celebrate their birthdays in September. Best wishes to Emmet Cotter of Lakeview on his early retirement. May he pursue all the leisures he has put on hold! Congratulations to the following couples who were married during the month of August. Gretta Concannon, Montiagh and… Read more »

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Joe Cloherty, a native of Waterdale, Claregalway has a unique talent in stonework. He has always had an interest in stonework and was inspired a few years ago when he saw a cottage made of stone in an English magazine. He copied this example and has gone on to make this beautiful replica of the… Read more »

Posted on in Sport


The Junior A’s had a resounding win over Killanin in the first round of the Championship at Inverin on Saturday, July 19th last. The score was 3–8 to 1–6. Junior B’s however were unable to complete the double and lost to Oughterard also at Inverin. Minors: After beating Ml. Breathnach in the league final, expectations of… Read more »

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During the month, the Centre conducted a Summer Camp for children in the area. The event was a terrific success in spite of the inclement weather that prevailed for the start of the week. The camp ran for a full week and included sports, arts, crafts, water activities and a mystery tour that included orienteering… Read more »

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Describing his journey around Lough Corrib, Richard Hayward in his book The Corrib Country (Dundalgan Press, 1968, p.133) had this to say about Claregalway: We shall not long have regained and travelled along the road to Galway before we notice a complete change in the landscape, for the country now for miles around is a… Read more »

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Seán Brewster of Claregalway played a lead role in the latest Roger Corman film Payback which was filmed recently in and around Galway City. Seán has trained with the Galway Youth Theatre and acted with the Flying Pigs Theatre Company. Since signing up with Ann Maloney’s casting agency he has been an extra in many movies… Read more »