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On May 25th 1997 the 10th Annual Clare River Harriers road race took place.We would like to thank all the competitors who took part and would also like to thank our main Sponsor, Royal Rock Ltd. Constrtuction Company, Kilterrin Park Galway and all other sponsors and helpers.

The results of the 10K Road race were as follows:

  • 1st. Seamus O’ Donnell (G.C.H)), this years winner of the National Marathon 32.24;
  • 2nd C .Troy, (Tullamore Harriers) 32.53;
  • 3rd P. Casey (Mullingar.A.C) 32.57;
  • 4th B. Gallagher ( Sligo A.C) 32.24;
  • 5th S O’Cualain (G.C.H) 34.03.

Team: (4 to score)
1st Galway City Harriers (1,5,14,15) = 35 points.
2nd Clare River Harriers(16,19,22,24) = 81 points.

Women Senior

  • 1st J. Maction (Mayo A.C.) 38.34;
  • 2nd A. Lynam (Mayo A.C) 39.47;
  • 3rd J. Walsh (Mayo A.C) 41.56;
  • 4th M. Sheridan (G.C.H).42.29;
  • 5th A. Creaven (Loughrea) 44.05.

Team: (3 to score)
1st Mayo A.C. (1,2,3) = 6 points;
2nd Galway m.n.t (6.7,8) 21 points.

Well done to all participants and congratulations to all the prize winners.

Anybody wishing to join the Clare River Harriers club can do so by contacting Tom Kilgariff (091 797016 ) or Brendan Gavin (091 798179).

P.R.O. Patrick Murphy