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A presentation was made by Claregalway Scout Group to Paula Evans and Sarah Mooney to acknowledge with thanks the beautiful mural that they designed and painted in the Scout Den. The mural depicts scouting and local scenes and is truly magnificent. It is a wonderful addition to our recently refurbished den.
We are delighted to announce some recent achievements by our Cubs. In the regional talent competition held in Ballybane Resource Centre, Claregalway Cubs won 1st and 2nd prize. Caoimhe Moran did us proud with her Irish dancing and won 1st prize. Our girl group “The Jelly Babies” came 2nd with their version of “Lean on me”.
We were also very successful in the County Cub Quiz which was held in Craughwell on the 12th of March, with our Quiz Teams winning 1st and 4th prize. This was no mean achievement with 19 teams involved in the competition. Well done to all who took part. Keep up the good work Cubs.
Yours in Scouting,
12th Galway Claregalway.