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The AGM for Claregalway Ladies Club took place on Wednesday 7th December in the Clubhouse.  There was a great turnout for the meeting which had a very positive agenda including acknowledging the many fantastic achievements throughout 2011.  The meeting began with thoughts of members or their families and friends who passed away during the year. This was followed by the reading of the minutes for 2010 and a comprehensive report of all Club activites for 2011 which was composed and read out by Club Secretary, Mary Conlon.  Chairman, Gerry Moran then gave his report. He thanked all of the many volunteers who give so freely of their time as officers, managers, mentors and the many other voluntary functions that are part of a successful Club.  He gave a special thank you to Mary Conlon, outgoing Club Secretary, for her incredible contribution to the Club.  Mary has been with the Ladies club since its foundation and was the first Ladies Club Secretary when the committee was formed in 2004.  Her hard work has given the Ladies Club a very solid foundation for future growth.  Next on the agenda was proposal of Managers for the various panels. Eugene Kearney and John Donovan will continue with the U10’s, Christine Moran and Dermot Coll U12, Jimmy Gavin, U14, Darragh Leonard, U16, Barry Cooney, Intermediate. Management for Minor and Junior has yet to be confirmed.  The following were the officers elected for 2012.  Gerry Moran, Club Chairman. Eugene Kearney, Vice Chairman, Eileen Conroy, Secretary, Mary Conlon, Vice secretary, Pairic Keane, Treasurer, Registrar, Mary Conlon, PRO, Position not filled, Child Protection Officer, Asumpta Gallagher, Club Coaching Officer, Jimmy Gavin, Delegates to County Board, Jimmy Gavin, Asumpta Gallagher, Mike Kirwan, Gerry Moran.  Tony Clarke, Executive Club Chairman congratulated the Ladies Club on their many achievements, most notably the promotion to intermediate for the first time in Club History.  He also acknowledged how well the Ladies club is run and thanked them for their contributions to the overall club.
Thank you to everyone who has played a part in Claregalway Ladies Club throughout 2011. We wish all of you a very peaceful Christmas and Happy Christmas and every best wish for 2012.  A special thank you to all of the players who have been a privilege to work with all year and to all the parents for their fantastic support.  We look forward to seeing you all in the New Year.