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The Flood Recovery Fund is continuing to accept applications from community and voluntary groups working in the areas affected by recent flooding.
For the fund criteria and application form please visit
In response to the devastation wrought by recent widespread flooding across many parts of Ireland, this fund has been established to helpfrontline community and voluntary groups provide assistance to the most vulnerable in our communities.

Grants are available to community and voluntary groups in the areas affected to help in the provision of Food, Clothing, Bedding and the Clean-up effort.  Groups working with Older people, Families with young children, People with physical or learning disabilities, People with mental health needs and People on low incomes who have been affected by the floods will be targeted.

Grants to successful applicants will be made within days. To ensure we can reach communities as soon as possible application forms should be returned by email. Applicants should complete Page 3 of the application form so that grants can be made by means of bank transfer.

For more information email [email protected]