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It is easy to stay hopeful when times are good, but how do you tap into that hopefulness when life doesn’t go as planned? Most people can endure short periods of frustration, especially when there is an end in sight; the toughest times are when we look ahead and feel that our situation is unending…. Read more »

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As the start of the winter season, November has always had a special significance. We remember those we once knew, who are now dead, and we ask God to show mercy on them. We also pray to them to help us to live out our lives as lovingly as some of them did. These faithful… Read more »

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I was at Mass one evening recently and, after it, I held on for Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and decided to look up a prayer on the Internet on my iPhone. I always enjoy the quietness of the Church during this time. After a short while looking for my favourite prayer on my iPhone,… Read more »

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I have noticed over my life, that to be a good person one does not need to depend on religion, status in life, job status, race, skin colour, what country they are from, political views or culture. It solely depends on how each of us treat others. I have also noticed that our ears are constantly… Read more »

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It’s hard to be grateful when everything is going wrong in your world or in your life. Your child is sick, your car won’t start or there is no money in your bank account. What do you have to be grateful for? But, there are reasons to be grateful. Be grateful that your child is… Read more »

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Trees are essential to our lives for several reasons. They provide us with oxygen, food, medicine, tools and shelter. Without trees, life as we know it would not exist. Believe it or not, trees are also essential in our relationship with God. In fact, the story of God’s great love for us is the story… Read more »

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I have a friend named Noel who owns a farm in the midlands. At times he has let me use his farm to put on events to raise money for children’s projects in Africa. The last time I was there he introduced me by saying: “I want to tell you why I let Ronan use… Read more »

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I recently attended my mother-in-law’s funeral. I witnessed my wife’s great loss but also the great love she had for her beautiful mother. Kay wasn’t just my wife’s mother; she was her best friend. It made me realise the love I have for my own mother and the love my mother has for me. Mothers… Read more »

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Embrace that person inside you that has ideas and strengths like no one else. Be the person you know yourself to be. And above all, be true to yourself and put your heart in it. Don’t try to change the world but also don’t let the world change the person you want to be. Starting… Read more »

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A few years ago, one of the Operation Transformation experts asked me what got me to where I am today. “Self belief,” I answered. There are times when you will disappoint yourself and people will let you down, but those are the times when you must remind yourself to trust your own judgements and opinions… Read more »

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None of us can help everyone, but each of us can help someone near us. It may be only a smile, an encouraging word, a shoulder to cry on, or a hug to motivate them. Of course, sometimes it takes more. Figuratively speaking, it might require a swift kick in the behind or a warning… Read more »

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Let me share something I am embarking on more consciously recently after listening to a discussion about the destructive neknomination games that have been happening on various social media. It’s not that I do not practice this often, but, like others, I am rarely deliberate about acts of kindness and usually just respond involuntarily to… Read more »