Posted by Horkans Garden Centre, Lydacan in Features.

September is one of the best gardening months of the year. Don’t be discouraged that the summer is over—your garden can still remain full of colour and life through the next season.

Jobs in the garden in September

September is an ideal time to reseed or to sow a new lawn using lawn seed. Kill the early stages of moss on patios and paving areas with Patio Magic. Continue to feed summer bedding plants with One Plant Food liquid fertiliser to prolong colour until mid winter.

Take cuttings from popular herbs including Thyme, Rosemary, Lavender and Bay Leaf. Use rooting powder to encourage strong new roots. Sow Sweet Pea plants from seed now for larger blooms next summer. Early autumn is the ideal time to plant a new hedge in your garden for shelter and privacy.

Plant Daffodil, Tulip and Snowdrop bulbs out of doors for a splash of colour next spring. Replace dead or damaged hedging plants with frost hardy varieties. Cherry Laurel, green and golden Privet and Boxwood are all excellent varieties to see you through the winter. For seaside areas, choose Silver Elaegnus.

For colour in your patio pots and window boxes plant winter flowering Pansies, Violas, Heather and Aconites. Japanese onion sets should be planted over the next couple of weeks if you want to be rewarded with a lovely picking of young, fresh green shoots in early spring and full sized onions for April and May.

Kill lawn clover now by treating your entire lawn area with a dressing of Hytrol Lawn Clover Killer. Simply mix the weedkiller with water and apply in a sprayer or watering can to the effected areas. To green your lawn, try OSMO Moss Remover fertiliser. Plant evergreen climbers this month. Climbers with both foliage and flowers look best. Try Virginia Creeper, evergreen Hydrangeas or evergreen Honeysuckles, or choose from a wide range of ivies. Remember to add a good compost when planting.

If you like to grow your own vegetables, plant autumn and winter vegetable plants now. Winter and spring Cabbage, purple sprouting Broccoli, Little Gem Lettuce, Iceberg lettuce and Chinese Cabbage are all especially tasty when you grow them yourself.

September remains one of the best months to plant berrying broad leaved trees. One of my favourites are the beautiful Malus trees. Start feeding song birds now before the onslaught of winter. Wild bird feeds and protein high peanuts should be offered to all garden birds from now until spring. Kill Mare’s Tail with Neudorff weedkiller, which is specially formulated for the pesky weed. Weed Free 360 is an excellent product for all other weeds. Apply in dry weather and watch weeds die away quickly.

Plant Hydrangeas, Snowdrops and Winter Aconites now for lots of colour in December and January.