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A group of Cubs from Claregalway took the Gold medallion with 37 out of a possible 40 points at a recent District Cub camp. The camp was hosted by the Craughwell Cubs and was held at the beautiful grounds of Esker Retreat House. In all, twelve Cubs from Claregalway set off on Saturday June 6th to camp overnight in Esker. The Claregalway pack were representing for the duration, and as well as presenting a project on Italy, were also invited to partake in a Eurovision type contest. There were Italian flags a plenty, information on all aspects of Italian life, from life in Ancient Rome to life in the present day. There was information in Italy’s performances in the World cup, and our dinner consisted of pasta, in keeping with the overall Italian theme.

After pitching all of 7 of our tents, the day began with the Grand Howl, and then an afternoon of fun and games. Of course, the weather was not very favorable, but that didn’t dampen any spirits, as we followed the Scouting motto Be Prepared, rainwear kept out the worst of the weather and we just enjoyed ourselves.

At midnight, the campfire singsong began, and this was followed by the Eskervision. All 5 District Cub packs took part and our entry was a song about Italy, sung to the Barbie song music. It contained Historical and Geographical information about Italy and the Cubs gave their all in their performance. From the other four judging groups, Claregalway received two 10s, one 9 and one 8. We received a Gold medallion and a magic set as our prize, and naturally we were all delighted that our hard work had been rewarded.

At 12:45am we set out on a night hike through the adjoining woods. It was a wonderful escape from all the noise of the day. At one stage along the walk, we stopped, turned off our torches and just listened. The peace and quiet was beautiful.

On Sunday morning, we had breakfast at about 8:00 a.m. (some of us didn’t surface until 10) and then proceeded to take down the tents. The rain came down and we got soaked! We had Mass in the Monastery chapel at 11am and afterwards, there was kickabout. As the bus was not due to arrive until 1pm, the Cubs decided to head off on another hike. Some nearly missed the bus home!

The Cubs would like to take this opportunity to thank Kevin Duffy, Sinead Greally, Breda Noone and Ailbhe Mannion, without whose help the camp would not have happened. Thanks guys.

Sean Doyle, A.C.S.L.
Patricia Carton, C.S.L.

Coole Park May 30th 1998

The Gold Arrow Group of Claregalway Cubs, Gerry Quinn, Ailis Cahalan, Mairead Duffy, Sarah Crowe, Rebecca Reidy and Cathal O’Shea, organised a trip to Coole Park on May 30th for both Cubs and Beavers.

The six Cubs did all the organisation for the day, and even went on ahead on the day, to set out some Tracking and Compass trails.

Although Leaders from both groups travelled on the day, they took a back seat and were merely there in a supervisory capacity. The day went by so quickly that some of the planed events didn’t take place, as we simply ran out of time. So well done to all concerned.


As a final note, before we close for the Summer holidays, may I take this opportunity to thank the Cubs for a great year, and to thank the parents for their support during the year. A special thanks to those parents who came on various outings with us, when we needed an extra pair of hands or eyes! If you think you might have what it takes to become a Leader, why not contact either myself or Mary Duggan, as new blood is always welcome, and of course, new blood usually means new ideas.

Yours in Scouting,
Patricia Carton, C.S.L.