Apostolic Work was founded in this country in 1923 for the purpose of helping the Missions by prayer and by material assistance. Up to 1962 efforts were concentrated mainly on keeping up Church supplies and vestments because that was the kind of help missionaries needed most during that period. During the sixties, however, the emphasis… Read more »
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At a Meeting held on the 23rd April, the committee noted that progress on the installation of pendants had continued and to-date forty units had been ordered and sixteen had been installed. It was hoped that progress on the installation of further units would proceed quickly. To-date, up to eighty pendants were required to cover the whole parish… Read more »
The younger members of the association, the Beavers, had a very successful nature hike before Easter. The Gold Arrow group from Cubs are planning a Beaver/Cub day out for sometime in June. Beavers and Cubs from 5th. Corofin and 1st Galway, as well as Cubs from Oranmore joined our Beavers and Cubs for a puppet… Read more »
Completed forms for the Summer Camp are still being accepted by the Centre. Should you wish to return your form, there are still a small number places available on the camp. Forms may be obtained from the people whose names and telephone numbers are listed below. The Camp takes place 14th–18th July and if last… Read more »
Belated birthday greetings to Martin Duggan, Summerfield, celebrated last month. Wishing all children making their Confirmation and First Holy Communion a lovely day. Congratulations to Tom Reilly, Cloon on coming 1st place in the Ploughing County Championship Final recently. Also congratulations to his son Gerard, Cloon, who came second. Good Luck and Best Wishes to… Read more »
A meeting was held on the 23rd of March in relation to the proposed Summer Camp. This meeting was successful in that sufficient support is apparently available to ensure the running of the Camp. The forms have been distributed to children in the school which must be returned as indicated. These forms may also be… Read more »
Congratulations and best wishes to Maggie Walsh and John Cunningham who got married on the 4th April. Maggie teaches 2nd class in Claregalway National School. Health and happiness always. Congratulations to Adrian and Caitriona, Kiltrogue, on the birth of their son, Jason Collins. Birthday greetings to Maureen Duggan of Lakeview who recently celebrated her birthday…. Read more »
The white flag was raised and they were off. The first of the twelve races took off to a flying start. A great crowd turned up in the Summerfield Bar on Friday, 6th March, to support the Claregalway Agricultural Show Race Night. Malachy Noone gave a fantastic commentary on all the races and his witty… Read more »
Interest has been expressed in setting up a Naoínra (Playschool through Irish) in Claregalway. Anybody interested in having their child attend (between 3 and 5 years), please contact the following numbers—798183, after 6pm or 798266, between 10:30 am and 12 noon.
Work on the restoration of the Nine Arches is due to commence on the 14th April next. This project will be carried out in conjunction with Claregalway Amenity Group , Geri McManus (Architect), Galway County Council and the local FÁS team. The estimated cost to restore the Nine Arches is estimated at £30,000. Because of the cost… Read more »
Galway County Council have recently been allocated £70,000 by the National Roads Authority for the completion of the Traffic calming measures in Claregalway. The money will be used to complete the work started 2 years ago. The footpaths will be tarmacademed, additional surface water gullies have to be put in various parts of the village… Read more »
Claregalway 17th Annual Festival of Drama continues until the 20th of March. The highlight of the Festival for the young people of the Parish will be the Puppet Show The Emperor & the Nightingale by Hans Christian Andersen on the 13th. This will be performed by Galway Puppet Co. Admission £2. The plays for… Read more »